Thursday, August 10, 2006

Sadness, Part 1

I haven't really wanted to talk about it...

Cricket passed over the rainbow bridge on July 29th, around 7pm, to the tune of Hotel California.

And, funny enough, her passing seems to have fueled my creative mind. Maybe because I've always tied misery to my creative process ever since needing an escape from my mother's abusive mouth. Poetry then. Art now. And writing..always writing and dreaming and making stories in my head that will probably never get written down now.

And my computer, as of last night, has decided to commit Seppuku. So, I write this on my hubby's comp and spend my other time plowing through the piles of stuff that always seem to accumulate around me...kind of like Pigpen from Peanuts, only the dirt is more solid in the form of books, old mail, snacks, and just mounds of stuff. But back to my computer... omg! Months and months of saved pics, both inspirational and planned acquisitions for potential art. Art I was working on! Tons of recipes that were emailed to me that I saved and hoped to make someday, emails now long gone. At least $100 worth of iTunes videos and music. Notes for story ideas!!! And tons of bookmarks I'll prolly never find again. NOTHING backed up. I want to weep. But I hold it in in the faint hope that I will be able to recover it. But...

"Hope for the best, plan for the worst."

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