Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It's late...

...time for bed.

I've been good...cleaning. Slowly. Slower than I should be, but...cleaning!

I've been good and bad. I did go to get my paperwork to get my ID renewed, but didn't grab a second to work on my driver's permit, nor have I turned in the ID paperwork yet. Nor read the driver's handbook.

I've been bad. Need to draw. Paint. Create. I have a deadline now! July!

I've been bad. I have so many blogs planned but skimping on them.

I've been bad. Facebook apps take up several hours of my day...and for what?? At least in WoW I'm forced to socialize.

I've been bad. I need to sign up for school again.

I've been bad. Spent money on things I don't need.

I've been bad.

I don't think I'm getting anything but coal from Santa this year.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The biggest problem with education...

...is that education itself leads to stagnant thought. We are taught, poorly for the most part, that this is the way things are, this is how stuff works,...these are the facts right here. I wonder how much similarity there is to people who were taught that the world is flat, the sun revolves around the earth, diseases are caused by sin against god; will people look back on us in 100 years and exclaim "I can't believe they thought E=mc2!"

We are told to think outside the box (that is, when we're not being told to follow the herd), but even that commercialized cliche could be wrong. What if we need to be thinking outside the hexagon? Or inside the circle? Does anyone who "thinks outside the box" think that by being told to think outside the box that they're still in the box in a box?

Which reminds me of a Tao quote I just read about, by Zhuangzi:

I dreamed I was a butterfly, flitting around in the sky; then I awoke. Now I wonder: Am I a man who dreamt of being a butterfly, or am I a butterfly dreaming that I am a man?

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

We need Foghorns.

It's a lovely foggy evening. Or morning. Both. I love the fog. The scent of the air. The feeling of being alone in the outside, such a huge space that's so close to touch. Hugging me even. So alone and not alone. And the whole world see's the lights like I do all the time, furry and blurry. Ha!

Obviously I haven't fixed my sleep schedule.

Having an early morning snack of left over chinese food, and reading trashy romance novels. Time to get a little more serious tomorrow. Get to work.


Monday, November 02, 2009

Tired Eyes

Another early morning. 4:28 am at this glance. The darkness outside still reflects the pink of my shirt at me. I can feel the cold biting at my toes. And bad pop fills the room from my VH1.

My eyes can barely stay open but I needed to be here. To renew my new vow to be more active on my blogs. Especially this one...the one I need to help me figure out my new road to travel.

Hmm, commercial time. What is it about the denizens of the late evening that says "You guys would adopt these orphans, donate to cure cancer, save all the puppies and kittens from abuse, and shop at Old Navy."

So much to do tomorrow. I have much to prove. To myself.