Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The best laid plans of mice...

...and women often go astray.

Like planning to write here. Me...the big blogger. Ha! What's funny is this public space is more private than my own home. And yet...

Sometimes it's hard to completely let go and just..say whatever comes to mind. And it's amazing how disorganized my mind is sometimes, especially when I've always considered myself an organized thinker when it comes to my writing. Seriously, I never had to make a rough draft in school. And more often than not, when I did bother to make a rough draft, I just copied it almost word for word on to my final.

Part of the issue is just not being alone a lot of the time I am at the computer. At least a notebook I can hide from prying eyes, but not a 20" flat screen. But I guess that begs the question again of why I need to hide something I just post out in the world for anyone to read it...because no one does! So I don't have to worry about it! Lol.

Soooo anyway, thats it for now. It's way too early in the morning, which means I am up way past my bedtime...as usual.

Oh, and I like this quote (which I may write more on in the future because it explains a lot of what I have been going through lately):

"Fantasies are more than substitutes for unpleasant reality they are also dress rehearsals, plans. All acts performed in the world begin in the imagination."--Barbara G. Harrison

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