Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I'll Huff and I'll Puff...

My house is falling apart. But, in an effort to look on the brighter side, I'll try to see something positive about what is going on.

Problem: My shower has no water pressure.
Silver Lining: I'm saving money on the water bill! And having to use my creative capabilities to come up with solutions for a shorter, faster shower time.

Problem: My bathroom sink has no water at all.
Silver Lining: The cats have a nice cool, dry place to sleep in summer.

Problem: We have a major termite infestation.
Silver Lining: Uhm...we're providing an ecosystem for the natives? And snacks for the cats on occasion.

Problem: Our garage door likes to fall off the track once in awhile.
Silver Lining: Keeps the awareness-of-our-surroundings skill up trying to remember to watch when we close the garage to make sure it closed all the way.

Problem: When we turn the sprinklers on, we have a pool in the front left corner of the front yard.
Silver Lining: The feral cats always have fresh water.

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