Friday, January 04, 2008

..and I already missed a day.

I had an unofficial agenda to post every day this year, but I didn't say it out loud, or write it down anywhere, so I guess I haven't broken any "resolutions" yet!

When I'm not working or in school, I tend to lose track of the hours. My days cycle through an odd system of being a night owl then being an early bird and then back to night owl...and so on and so on. So lately I've been getting up at 2 or 3pm, and going to bed at 5 or 6am. I feel like I've lost a lot of day, but funny enough, when I get up early and go to bed early, I feel I miss a lot of the fun going on at night.

So instead of posting before midnight, I was tanking Shadow Labs with the usual gang(WoW).

Still can't find my camera.

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