Friday, January 11, 2008

Stuff `n' more stuff.

Not much to say that's...sequential. Just a lot of random stuff.

Been feeling shitty lately. Randomly violently nauseous. I think it's the meds.

Made an excellent meal tonight. I was so hungry, I couldn't even take the time to take a picture. And it was delicious. I'll have to post the recipe later.

Bought my school books today. Almost $200. I actually save another $110 by having a book already that I needed. Well, kinda saved, since I'd already spent the money on it at some point. Ha!

Starting to get my art room clean...tried to set up my old computer then realized...duh!...I don't have a keyboard for it as it was one I kept using on this comp.

Really starting to get tired of the political spam.

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